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Hello my lovelies! I'm Yellow, but most of the tickets here in TicketyBoo call me Granma. I'm the oldest ticket living here. Don't let that fool you though, I'm elderly, but agile for my age!


I just love going out and about with the other tickets on grand adventures. We explore all sorts of exciting places in TicketyBoo! I love Whispering Woods, full of rustling gold paper and giggling sprite like bugs. Now, I have to admit, there's one adventure I can only enjoy sitting down these days. It's the TWURLEE air chute! Whee! It’s a whirlwind of fun, even if I have to enjoy the breeze from a comfy seat. My bones aren’t quite what they used to be, you know.


Oh, and speaking of comfy, you should see my slippers! They're the softest, fuzziest things you can imagine. A ticket needs her comfort, after all!

But what I really love, more than adventures and even more than my slippers, are animals. All animals! But especially cats. Oh, I just adore those furry little creatures with their purrs and playful paws. I would love, love, LOVE to have a cat. Imagine a little kitty curled up on my lap, purring away as I tell it stories of TicketyBoo.


Until then, I’ll keep enjoying my adventures, my slippers, and dreaming of the day a furry friend finds its way to my old ticket heart. Come visit me in TicketyBoo sometime! We can have tea and tell stories. And who knows, maybe we’ll even spot a little cat along the way! Ta-ta for now, my lovelies!

© 2024 by Cassie Eden. TicketyBoo Tickets TM

© 2024 by Cassie Eden. TicketyBoo Tickets TM

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