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TicketyBoo Logo TM
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Hi there! My name is Stripe, and guess what? I'm an out-of-date debit card! But don't feel sorry for me! I live in the most amazing place called TicketyBoo, where everything is made of tickets! We have so many exciting adventures together in our beautiful land.


Now, I'm a little different from the other tickets because I have ADS! It means I'm Au-some, Dazzling, and Super! Okay, maybe it stands for something else, but that's what it means to me! Being different gives me some truly amazing qualities.


I'm super intelligent! I absolutely adore quizzes. Seriously, ask me anything! I love to find out new things and I soak up information like a sponge. The more I learn, the happier I am!


The best place in the whole wide world, the most TicketyBoo-tiful place of all, is right here in TicketyBoo! Can you believe I blew here on a gust of wind all the way to TicketyRoll Mountain? I was so lucky! I'm so glad the wind carried me here. Now my life is full of fun, friends, and fantastic facts! I can't wait to tell you all about it!

© 2024 by Cassie Eden. TicketyBoo Tickets TM

© 2024 by Cassie Eden. TicketyBoo Tickets TM

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